Brenna is loving her stroller ride. I have a quick off the subject story about this cute little pink stroller. A couple of months ago I went up north shopping with my girls. Well I used to have this cute little Jeep umbrella stroller that I usually take shopping. Well it got left in the back of Brendan's truck and not realizing that cats had peed on it I took it with me on this trip. As soon as I took it out to put Brenna in it that is when I smelt the cat pee, and there is nothing worse then the smell of cat urine. I didn't know what to do there was no way that I was going to be able to shop with Brenna not in a stroller, so I put her in it hoping that it wouldn't be obvious. I was wrong I would try and stay away from people, but as I walked by this one mom I heard her ask her little girl if she pooped in her diaper. I knew it was my stroller I couldn't take it anymore so I quickly went to Penneys and found this cute little pink stroller. It was so worth the 20 bucks that I spent on it.
15 years ago
I remember that day at the park. It is SAD how quick it goes by.
The stroller story is so funny. But I hope you aren't back to thinking you are better than us with your fancy "pink" stroller!
Cute pics! It is crazy how fast they grow :)
About the stroller, I had the same thing happen to me. I don't even have cats but somehow Kam's stroller was attacked by cat pee and I didn't know until we were walking around the mall one day. We couldn't figure out why a STRONG cloud of cat pee was following us everywhere. YUCK!!! Good thinking buying a new one, I still to this day can't get that smell out and I have tried everything. I think we are just going to have buy a new one for the next kiddo.
We just found your blog. The park looks fun maybe one of these days we will have to come over and meet you guys at the park.
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